hello sun!

It is like a summer's day! Offically went outside with no coat, cardigan in my bag to be safe, and a sleeve-less top. cold at all? NOOO!
Finally the sun is here and I am a very happy bunny. Off to meet my friend Molly to sit in the park and gossip. Also I am in need for someVitamin D.
So whoever is in the UK or anywhere the sun is shining.. have a lovely day!

check out my friend Molly's blog. she's a randomer. xo


  1. no way, i am in the u.k and all i had was rain! you lucky thing


  2. YAY for sun! I wish there was some sun here where I live but it snowed a bit just last night so I don't think it will be warm or sunny here today haha but glad you're enjoying your sunny day! :)

  3. Awwwww, you're so luckyy! I hope you enjoy/ed your day. :) It was 37 degrees yesterday.. still not very pretty.. but I hope that will change soon!

  4. Lovely blog, glad the sun's back out. I can't help but sing your blog title haha :D xoxo
