i am over the moon that my internet has FINALLY been reconnected!
i literally felt soo lost and actually bored. quite bad thinking of all the productive things i could be doing.
in the end it was a blessing in disguise because i was able to get all my uni work done and in on time! i've started to read again because TV actually bores me unless its a good old film.

i hope everyone has been keeping well. i look forward to catching up on your blogs :)

i forgot i made a twitter account back in january so if anyone has twitter...

and i shall happily return the favour! :)

i will return tomorrow will a proper blog entry. this is just a quickie as i have missed it so!

peace & love until then xx

quick fix

i've been sooooo busy with uni it has actually drained me completely! thankfully i have reached all my deadlines and i am now freeeeeeeee as a bird!

right now i'm getting my nightly dosage of a tv programme called Snog, Marry, Avoid. LITERALLY theeee funniest and brilliant programme on tv. girls who dress as basically orange faced, fake tanned barbie dolls getting a make under. if you haven't seen it WATCH IT!

sadly i have nothing to say because uni has taken over my life this few weeks. but i'm sure the weekend will bring me some gossip to blog.

i'm off to wash the paint in my hair.

ciao bellas

hello sun!

It is like a summer's day! Offically went outside with no coat, cardigan in my bag to be safe, and a sleeve-less top. cold at all? NOOO!
Finally the sun is here and I am a very happy bunny. Off to meet my friend Molly to sit in the park and gossip. Also I am in need for someVitamin D.
So whoever is in the UK or anywhere the sun is shining.. have a lovely day!

check out my friend Molly's blog. she's a randomer. xo


At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good and some are good struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world - six billion souls. And sometimes all you need is one.


WOW. i literally get an orgasm over anything arty like this. Defantly showing this to my mum.
21st birthday cake maybe? YES! xo


it's 5am. I should be sleep right now but i can't.